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Make Registering Product Easier

The registration process for this product is a bit complicated. First of all the registration key is 178 characters long. This is way too long and it will confuse people. Second having a screen where is shows all the DVD Fab products and which one are registered and which once are not is confusing if you have only bought one of them. It would be much easier if when you open the program for the first time it just asked you for your key and you put it in. Once you open the program all those programs are still shown but unless you have bought them they are just trials. This is misleading and frustrating for users who just bought one or two products. If you bought the whole suite then showing them all would make sense but not for an individual product. I really dislike companies that are constantly shoving their other product on me.

Jaddis , 27.01.2011, 13:46
Idea status: under consideration


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